It has been a while since I’ve been in touch


This morning, while having breakfast, I realized it’s been long since I’ve been in touch or written an article on my blog. I don’t want to make empty excuses, but they’ve been busy months, and they’ve flown by.

It has been a while since I’ve been in touch

This Blog from January

These last months of the year have been excellent; I met new winemakers, tasted many quality wines that I can’t wait to talk to you about and developed a lot of new things that I will tell you about during 2024.

It’s always nice to get out of your comfort zone, and that’s why, starting in January, I will start telling you again about the wines I taste and particularly appreciate. I promise that they won’t just be red wines, which, as you know, I particularly love.

Also, in January, we will start talking about the various types of grapes and the wines that come from these grapes, aromas, flavours, and differences between wineries.

Then there will always be my beloved super easy recipes suitable for those who don’t particularly like cooking like me 🙂

Thank you

Since we are at the end of the year, it is also time to look back. How was your 2023? All in all, mine was nice. With ups and downs, yes, because life tests us, and that can be overcome. In these years in which a bit of everything has happened to me, I have understood that when life puts you in front of a challenging test, it always gives you help to hold on to overcome difficulties.

Enough with the heavy talk. Thank you for this 2023, for being there, and for choosing the wines I recommended. I hope to share 2024 with you, too.

I hope you spend a peaceful Christmas in the company of those you love, and I also wish you 2024 full of satisfaction, serenity and lots of beautiful things.

Of course, I cannot leave you without a wine suggestion for your New Year’s Eve: try the classic method of Collavini “Applause.” I will tell you more soon, but in the meantime, I tasted it recently, and I liked it. 60% Chardonnay, 40 % Pinot Noir, four years of ageing on the yeasts; a real gem.

Happy Holidays!








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