Tasting wine – glasses and decanter

Today, I want to discuss glasses and decanters. I am often asked which glass is best for enjoying wine and whether a decanter should be used, so let’s talk about it!

The glasses

Vino - bicchieri
Wine – Glasses

Do you prefer a crystal glass or a glass one? The crystal glass, despite being very thin, is more resistant as it contains a percentage of lead (around 24%), which today is replaced with magnesium and zinc. If the glass contains lead, it is not suitable for the dishwasher (usually indicated on the packaging), while the glass with magnesium and zinc can be washed in the dishwasher. The 100% glass tumbler can be washed in the dishwasher but is more fragile and breaks more easily.

The critical thing to remember is that the wine’s flavour remains unchanged, whether you use a glass or a crystal glass. So, freely choose what you prefer.

Stem, yes or no? In principle, if the shape of the glass is the same, the taste of the wine remains unchanged, whether the glass has a stem or not. However, it is essential to remember that when we bring the glass to our mouth, we grasp it with our hands. If the glass has a stem, we do not touch the wine and keep its temperature constant. If, however, the glass does not have a stem, we heat the glass and, consequently, the wine with our hand; as is known, a temperature change can alter the aroma and flavour of the wine.

Which glass to choose? The market has glasses specially designed for each type of wine. If you have the space to buy them all, great! But if you’re like most of us, you’ll want to have at least two types: one with a larger body for red wines and a slightly smaller one for white wines. If you want a glass specifically for bubbles, opt for ones with one or two bubble points that enhance the bubbles in your sparkling wine.

Bicchieri di Monica
Monica’s glasses



I limited myself to the glass for the reds and the one for the whites
where I also drink bubbles, and I chose these.



The Decanter


The decanter is functional for oxygenating wine, eliminating its unwanted aromatic components and reducing its intensity. This process makes the wine softer and less concentrated in tannins.

When should you use the decanter? Please avoid doing this every time you drink full-bodied red wine. For young wines, it is sufficient to open the bottle and let it “breathe” for about half an hour. The decanter is helpful for those wines that have been forgotten in the cellar and may have sediment at the bottom. In this case, pour the wine slowly into the decanter, distributing it on all sides of the container and avoiding spilling any sediment. If you need help pouring, use a light source; light a candle if you want a romantic touch. Otherwise, a flashlight or phone light works well.

You will find decanters of various shapes and sizes on the market. Are they all good? Yes. I advise you to opt for one that is easy to pour the wine and, above all, simple to clean.

I hope this was helpful!




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